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Could this be one or more of your employees ?

Do you know half of your employees feel they do NOT receive support on Mental Wellbeing. Only a third of HR respondents have their line managers trained for Mental wellbeing challenges. You want to have happier, healthier and more productive employees and reduce absenteenism and turnover costs?  

Business Organisations
and HR Professionals

Business and HR_edited.png

MindOO can help you support your workforce

We are enablers of Mental Wellbeing. Take your employee wellbeing forward. We have developed preventative tools and skills to support staff and save costs

Employee Mental Health Costs to businesses and ROI 

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Find out the cost to your Business >


Employees struggling with poor Mental Wellbeing

£ 2,629,900

Cost to Business each year


Days of absence due to workplace stress

£ 1,314,950

Returns when you invest 10% of the Cost to Business

Employee Wellbeing Cost Tool

As an HR, Calculate how much poor Mental Wellbeing is costing your business

This employee wellbeing cost tool is designed to help you work out the costs and financial impact of poor Mental Wellbeing to your business. It can also help you build a business case with numbers for action to reduce your costs and improve your employee wellbeing. Please fill the details below from your HR & Work system.

Employee Information

Cost of Presenteeism

Cost of Accident / Injuries

Cost of Sickness Absence

Cost of Labour Turnover

Other costs associated with Poor Mental Wellbeing

Employee Wellbeing Cost Summary



Labour Turnover




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