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Do you ever feel like life is too hard to handle ?

You may wake up feeling life is hard and you are drowning in stress, anxiety and negative thoughts. You may feel trapped by your emotions, memories and fears, unable to enjoy or cope with anything. You may feel hopeless, exhausted or numb, wishing you could escape or change your situation.


You can find support and relief.

At MindOO, we care about your mental wellbeing and we have the tools and skills to help you.  

Your Wellbeing Challenges

You are not Alone

We know what you’re going through and we can help you overcome your challenges. Please select the ones that affect you the most OR resonate with you.

If you'd like to suggest your own wellbeing unique challenge, please write and submit below.

Our solution

You don’t have to suffer and feel trapped, hopeless or numb.

MindOO has a linear roadmap which breaks you free from the cycle of negative thoughts, feelings and behaviours that keep you stuck. We empower you with the skills to overcome your mental wellbeing challenges.

With MindOO you will learn how to:

Please select the ones that would be ideal for you most. 

Suggest your own Wellbeing skills you would like to build, please write and submit below.

How MindOO addresses your challenges ?

Pain points addressed.

Key Differentiators

Please select the ones that intrigue you the most and you would like to see implemented 

Suggest what innovative technology feature would you like to see in a Mental Wellbeing platform, please write and submit below.

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