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The Statistics

Proof of Mental Wellbeing challenges, scale of the problem and costs in numbers

Revewing Graphs

The Science

Our evidence based Solution to Mental Wellbeing challenges

The Society

Proving the need to go from reactive clinical services towards building a preventative Mental Wellbeing Society 

Mental ill-health is common and a serious challenge with devastating consequences for individuals, families and organisations. Anxiety and Depression impair physical health, increase the risk of suicide, reduce work performance, and increase health care costs. 

Mental Wellbeing challenges are real and urgent

Statistical Evidence

Applying science to build an evidence-based Mental Wellbeing platform for everyone.

MindOO is built by experts using the latest in psychology research that is backed by published scientific evidence. Our innovative multi-elemental approach draws what's best and effective from neuroscience and multiple mainstream therapeutic approaches. Such as Human Givens, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP), Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), Mindfulness, Somatic Psychotherapy.

Our Solution is innovative and effective

Scientific Evidence

MindOO is CBT and much more ...

MindOO is the pragmatic real world solution to achieving mental Wellbeing. We provide a digital but dynamic multi-element feedback based approach that is Choice rather than proforma led. Our platform attracts and engages attention, invites interaction and gives feedback as to progress thus challenging the dominant prescriptive CBT model. We combine the best elements of other scientifically proven approaches with others fromReal World practice to outperform the accepted and remarkable 50% delivered with CBT alone.

To do this MindOO combines top-down cognitive elements with others that are bottom up body and sensation based. The link is that memories combine all five senses and often require unlearning before positive relearning can happen. Sounds sights smells tastes and tactile sensations are all part of our internal map of our world that reflects our well-being or lack of it.


The modules provided on MindOO are designed to reinforce and embed psychological knowledge whilst developing an instinctive knowledge of objective self-awareness, both essential to changing mindset and building emotional resilience.

MindOO also uses gold standard psychometric assessment tools to build an Evidence base as to the effectiveness of the platform and enables users to engage with it in tracking their own progress.

Stack of published scientific evidence 

We offer a unique Well-being platform combining the best of Psychological and practitioner evidence with gold standard assessment in order to provide our users with effective tools for changing and controlling their life.


Castonguay, L. G., Barkham, M., Youn, S. J., & Page, A. C. (2021). Practice-based evidence—Findings from routine clinical settings. In M. Barkham, W. Lutz, & L. G. Castonguay (Eds.), Bergin and Garfield's handbook of psychotherapy and behavior change: 50th anniversary edition (pp. 191–222). John Wiley & Sons, Inc.



Barkham M, Margison F, Leach C, Lucock M, Mellor-Clark J, Evans C, Benson L, Connell J, Audin K, McGrath G. (2001) Service profiling and outcomes benchmarking using the CORE-OM: toward practice-based evidence in the psychological therapies. Clinical Outcomes in Routine Evaluation-Outcome Measures. J Consult Clin Psychol.



Evans, C. and Carlyle, J.-A. (2021) Outcome measures and evaluation in counselling and psychotherapy. London: SAGE Publications. 



Holmqvist R, Philips B, Barkham M. (2015) Developing practice-based evidence: benefits, challenges, and tensions. Psychotherapy Resolution.



Andrews B, Compton Leanne. (2023) Real‐world evidence in a UK veteran’s charity. UK: PTSD Resolution Veterans Charity. 



Andrews, William & Wislocki, Andrew & Short, Fay & Chow, Daryl & Minami, Takuya. (2013). A five-year evaluation of the Human Givens therapy using a practice research network. Mental Health Review Journal. 



Burdett H, Greenberg N. (2019) Service evaluation of a Human Givens Therapy service for veterans. (London) : Occupational Medicine


Fordham, B., Sugavanam, T., Edwards, K., Stallard, P., Howard, R., das Nair, R., Copsey, B., Lee, H., Howick, J., Hemming, K., & Lamb, S. E. (2021). The evidence for cognitive behavioral therapy in any condition, population or context: a meta-review of systematic reviews and panoramic meta-analysis. Psychological medicine.



Zaccaro, A., Piarulli, A., Laurino, M., Garbella, E., Menicucci, D., Neri, B., & Gemignani, A. (2018). How Breath-Control Can Change Your Life: A Systematic Review on Psycho-Physiological Correlates of Slow Breathing. Frontiers in human neuroscience.


Kriakous, S. A., Elliott, K. A., Lamers, C., & Owen, R. (2021). The Effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction on the Psychological Functioning of Healthcare Professionals: a Systematic Review. Mindfulness.


Cuijpers, P., Marks, I. M., van Straten, A., Cavanagh, K., Gega, L., & Andersson, G. (2009). Computer-aided psychotherapy for anxiety disorders: a meta-analytic review. Cognitive behavior therapy.



Sierk, A., Travers, E., Economides, M., Loe, B. S., Sun, L., & Bolton, H. (2022). A New Digital Assessment of Mental Health and Well-being in the Workplace: Development and Validation of the Unmind Index. JMIR mental health,



Cuijpers, Pim & Chisholm, Dr & Sweeny, Kim & Sheehan, Peter & Rasmussen, Bruce & Smit, Filip & Saxena, Shekhar. (2016). Scaling-up treatment of depression and anxiety: A global return on investment analysis. The Lancet Psychiatry.

Evidence from Practice 

Evidence for Practice 

Evidence for Digital delivery

A platform that is not only needed, but wanted

Now is the time, need and demand for a proactive and preventative Mental Wellbeing solution  

People's Mental ill-health is primarily addressed by reactive clinical services. All while Mental wellbeing deteriorates and the waiting times getting longer. We aim to deliver a tech-enabled accessible solution for everyone both at workplace and in life. Proactive solutions are needed as they're proven to have better outcomes and with healthy individuals, society also benefits.  

Social Evidence


“Too often decision makers …dismiss evidence-based programmes and policies focused on prevention, citing prohibitive expense.” 
“Our report demonstrates the opportunity to make radical change in our approach to MH by prioritising prevention...” 

-Mark Rowlands, CEO Mental Health Foundation.


“This analysis shows very clearly that it pays for employers to provide Mental Health support at work and that early interventions is vital, for those experiencing poor Mental Health.” 

-Rebecca George, OBE, Deloitte, Vice Chair.


“Smart, forward thinking employers are investing in staff wellbeing, and those who do, tend to save money in the longer run. There is a link between prioritising staff wellbeing and improved loyalty and productivity; and decreased sickness absence and resignations."

-Paul Farmer, Chief Executive of Mind.


“Quite simply, employees now want and expect their employers to care about their wellbeing, and will stay with employers that meet those demands.” 

"25% of businesses would look to include ‘digital technology solutions’ to help with risk management support."

“What is clear is that there is a sound economic case for investing in effective preventative measures.”

-David McDaid, Assoc Professional Research Fellow, LSE.


"Improving workplace mental health initiatives enable companies to take proactive and preventative action so that all employees can be productive and healthy, at work and out of the office."

" Our analysis illustrates the very significant cost to the NHS of not acting to invest in their staff health and mental wellbeing. "

Prof. Sara Connolly, Norwich Business School


“If you want to scale up a business, you need your best employees to grow with you. They’ll do that only if they’re invested in an employer that looks after their physical and mental health.” 

- Joanna Swash, CEO, Moneypenny

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